the end trip…

March 28, 2011

As we planned and planned and planned for our 3-week trip to Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Spain, and Ireland, we always referred to it as “the end trip.”  The trip came at the end of a trying (and in some ways great) year in South Korea.  When things were hard, and even when things were good, we always had this trip to look forward to.  We were so fortunate to have great friends and family to help us plan the trip, and great weather for the three weeks in early spring (not necessarily the most reliable season for traveling).  It turned out to be just the reward we had hoped for.

So here are the highlights of the end trip.  We had about 2,000 pictures.  Don’t worry…I narrowed it down a bit…

(If you want to see a bigger version of the picture, click on it…it will show up in a new window, and in this window you can easily scroll through all of the pictures.   If you want to see an even bigger version of the picture, click on it again).

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